According to figures from ASOEX fresh fruit exports to Europe have, on average, decreased in the last 4 years although exports worldwide have actually increased. There has been a rise in exports to emerging markets such as the Middle East and Asia.
Some individual fruit has nevertheless seen a marked increase in exports to Europe, avocados and blueberries have seen the biggest increases at 76% and 36% respectively, while peaches and plums have had the most dramatic decreases at 46% and 35% with pears dropping by 20%. These figures are reflected in those of world exports but are not quite so dramatic.
Exports to the world

The main reason for the overall decrease in exports to Europe has been the economic crisis, which resulted in less demand also a high European fruit production had an effect Chilean exports. The total fresh fruit exported to Europe in 2007/08 was 816,637 tons compared to 710,464 in 2009/10.
Exports to Europe

Within Europe there has been a big increase of 27% in fruit sent to Russia, but to counteract this fruit imported to Holland has seen a decrease of 12%, this mainly due to the fact that a lot of fruit is now going directly to the destination country instead of being re-exported via Holland.
“The European market has become saturated. With the opening of Asia and the strong growth of Brazil, several producers are taking their fruits to them, and with that we’re exporting 25 million boxes to go to Asia and 30 million to Latin America”, explained the President of the National Guild Federation of Fruit Producers – Fedefruta, Mr. Antonio Walker.
Next year is looking more positive, according to Manuel Alcaíno, President of Decofrut, the European producers inventories are lower than in previous seasons, so Chilean fruit will have a bigger share in that market.